Recent Rescues and Sanctuary Animals
Joseph was a wild BLM (Bureau of Land Management) burro foal that was captured in the mountains of California. He was a wild little guy in the beginning and has been with Tracy Miller for over 30 years! He is the epitome of a rescue ambassador, as he loves to rest his head on your shoulder as you face him (considered a donkey hug) and looks deeply into your eye closest to his. Joseph has been the star of many-a-program directed at educating youth and adults. Joseph has the run of the ranch… literally! He gets to greet and socialize with anyone that visits due to his natural instinct to stay within the ranch boundaries.
Many visitors have immediately sought out the Millers to advise that a donkey was loose, only to find out that Joseph has earned that trust of not leaving! One immediate realization about Joseph is his walk. He has been a foundered donkey for a majority of his life, meaning that he has severe foot issues. With Tracy’s many decades as a farrier, he has kept Joseph mobile with special trimming, one-of-a-kind pads, X-rays and medications. Although Joseph has a slow, meandering walk, he will greet you with a smile on his face!